The eleventh annual Greater IPAC Science Symposium will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10 and 11, 2011. The Science Symposium is a forum for all staff members of IPAC, the Spitzer Science Center (SSC) and the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) to present, discuss and learn about the diverse research that is being carried out at the Greater IPAC. The atmosphere is informal, and the location is designed to get us away from our offices and project work. All projects are being asked to cancel project meetings for the two days of the Symposium, and to give consideration of the meeting when assigning deadlines.
The format of the Symposium will be 10 minute contributed talks from Greater IPAC science staff, postdocs and students. In addition, each day there will one or two Invited Talks given by science staff members. The final presentation made on Wednesday will be the State of IPAC address given by IPAC Executive Director, George Helou. All Greater IPAC staff and members of the Pasadena astronomical community are invited to attend. Even if you aren't involved in science at IPAC, please make sure to join us for the State of IPAC address and the catered Reception in KS 410 following Wednesday's session.
Dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10 and 11, 2011
Location: Beckman Institute Auditorium
Reception to Follow: Keith-Spalding 410, Wednesday, May 11 5:00-7:00pm