GISS 2002

Preliminary Schedule (subject to change)

Thursday, February 21, 2002Winnett Lounge, Caltech
9:00amINVITED TALK - Phil Appleton The Interaction Enviroment of Host Galaxies Containing AGN and Compact Starbursts: First Results from the COLA (Compact Objects in Low-power AGN) Survey
9:45Joe MazzarellaMapping the Molecular Gas in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with Merging Nuclei
10:00Yu GaoMapping the Molecular Gas and Starburst Sites of the "Taffy" Galaxies
10:15Jason SuraceA First Look at STIS optical/UV Spectra of Small-Scale ULIG Structure
10:30--------------COFFEE BREAK
10:45Brant NelsonWhat Is Mrk 335 Doing This Week?: Intensive Simultaneous Optical-IR Monitoring Of 7 AGN With YALO
11:00Mark LacyDust-reddened Quasars from 2MASS-FIRST Matching
11:15Lee ArmusThe Buried Quasar in 4C +43.15
11:30Bernhard SchulzISO Observations Support AGN Unification Schemes
11:45George HelouOI in IR-Luminous Galaxies at High Redshifts
1:30pmINVITED TALK - Alberto Noriega-CrespoSome New Topics on Jets from Young Stellar Objects (Using a 10yr Old Space Telescope)
2:00Debbie PadgettHST and OVRO Imaging of Circumstellar Disks
2:15Rachel AkesonT Tauri Circumstellar Disk Observations with Infrared Interferometry
2:30Chris KoreskoAn Excess of Triple Systems in Nearby Star-Forming Regions?
2:45Luisa RebullRotation of Young Low-Mass Stars in Orion and NGC 2264
3:00--------------COFFEE BREAK
3:15Davy Kirkpatrickcomp L ica T ions
3:30Patrick LowranceLooking Ups And Finding A Disturbing Companion
3:45Sergio Fajardo-AcostaWarm Circumstellar Dust Discovered with 2MASS and IRAS: Possible Asteroidal Belts In Nascent Solar Systems?
4:00Schuyler Van DykCombined 2MASS/MSX View of the Magellanic Clouds
4:15Barry MadoreNED and BS (Revising a Thesis a Quarter Century Later)
4:30Maria del Carmen PollettaHST Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging of M51
4:45Bidushi BhattacharyaAuroral Particle Dynamics in the Jovian Magnetosphere
  Friday, February 22, 2002Winnett Lounge, Caltech
9:00amINVITED TALK - Vikki MeadowsTowards Characterization of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets: The Virtual Planetary Laboratory
9:45Bill ReachInfrared Spectrum of the Zodiacal Light
10:00Ken GangaThe CMB and SuZIE
10:15Ranga-Ram CharyCosmic Evolution of Dust Extinction: Weakening the Evidence for a Cosmological Constant
10:30--------------COFFEE BREAK
10:45Myungshin ImEvolution and Formation of Early-Type Galaxies
11:00Gene SmithSWIRE - The SIRTF Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey: Half a Terabyte of Data and Still a Year to Launch
11:15Lisa Storrie-LombardiIdentifying Moderate Redshift Damped Ly-alpha Galaxies
11:30David FrayerThe z=2.5 Submillimeter Galaxy "ERO"-N4
11:45Carol LonsdaleMid-IR Luminosity Densities at Moderate Redshifts from the ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey
1:30pmINVITED TALK - Laurent CambresyInterstellar Extinction With 2MASS
2:00Peter MartinThe International Galactic Plane Survey (IGPS)
2:15Sean CareyWhat SIRTF Can't See??? -- The Galactic Infrared-Dark Clouds
2:30Susan StolovyNew Views of the Ionized Gas in the Galactic Center
2:45Jim IngallsEvaporation of Turbulent Clumps in the Nearby Interstellar Medium
3:00--------------COFFEE BREAK
3:15Bill LatterNotes Found in a Box
3:30Jeonghee RhoNear-infrared Synchrotron Emission of Cas A
3:45Steve LordStar Formation in M83
4:00Tom JarrettStripping the Pretty Veneer from Nearby Galaxies
4:15Armando Gil de PazBut, Are There Any Young Galaxies in the Local Universe?
4:30 GEORGE HELOU The State of IPAC
5:00-7:00pmRECEPTIONDabney Hall

Last Updated: 13 February 2002
R. Cutri and W. Latter - IPAC